University Baptist Church

Our Mission

At University Baptist Church, where the essence of community is embraced, and the motto "UBU@UBC" resounds, we strive to embody the transformative and wildly inclusive love of Jesus. In the spirit of unity and understanding, we open our doors to all, welcoming everyone to join us in worship of the divine in both this world and the next.

Our mission at UBC is founded on the celebration of the wide diversity within God's beloved community. We believe in the beauty of differences and seek to create a sanctuary where every individual is valued, accepted, and celebrated. In the pursuit of righteousness, kindness, and humility, we are committed to doing justice and fostering a community that reflects the boundless love of our Creator.

Encouraging interfaith understanding and goodwill is at the core of our mission. We recognize the common thread that unites us all and seek to build bridges of understanding and compassion between diverse faith traditions. At UBC, we believe that the path to true enlightenment lies in embracing the richness of various perspectives.

Our approach to the Holy Scriptures is guided by the profound teachings found in the Gospels, particularly through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus – the ultimate revelation of God’s love to the world. We invite all to explore the profound wisdom within the Scriptures and find inspiration in the timeless messages that guide our lives.

Rooted in historic Baptist principles, we uphold the vital values of the separation of church and state, acknowledging the autonomy of the local church, and embracing the priesthood of believers. These principles serve as the foundation of our faith, providing a framework that empowers us to live out our convictions with integrity and conviction.

University Baptist Church is proud to be a Welcoming and Affirming Baptist congregation, affirming the inherent worth and dignity of every individual. In this sacred space, we celebrate the richness of our shared humanity, united in love, understanding, and the pursuit of a more just and compassionate world. Come as you are, for at UBC, "You Be You," and together, we shall journey towards a more profound connection with the divine and one another.